Happy New Year to all,
2010 will be an amazing year, it started with a blue moon which won't occur again for 10 more years. The year will bring change to my life and I know I'll be back working and living in the city I love, New Orleans.Reviving the Crescent continues it's journey to reshaping the heart of the city and the Bywater community is thriving and more people are discovering the beauty of our delightful city. The city will elect a new mayor in May. This person must have the vision and determination to move the city forward.
2009 was the year of personal responsibility and I have decided 2010 is the year of purge. It's time to purge clutter not only from our homes, but from our lives. It's time to purge unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy relationships. The time has come for each of us to live the life we deserve with happiness and an abundance of love, prosperity and joy.
Through my facebook page, I discovered another lover of New Orleans. Her name is Laura J. Bergerol. She is a photographer and I encourage everyone to check out her site:
Laura Bergerol Photography
Main website: www.timecaptured.net
Photoblog; http://www.timecaptured.net/photoblog
Twitter ID: laurabergerol
I had a great Christmas with my daughter in New York City. I was overcome with joy at her happiness and success in the city. New Year's Eve was delightful with my sister, brother in law and a charming friend of theirs. We shared some wonderful wine, food and company. I encourage everyone to share a holiday memory. Post your comments following this posting and let others delight in your happiness.